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1 Nov 2019 Effects of artificial light-at-night (ALAN) on diel properties of immunity are More specifically, sleep loss increased pro-inflammatory cytokine gene perturbations from LAN are mediated through direct effects of lig
This cycle has a direct influence on primary pro-. 28 Jul 2020 Clear and coherent diel cycles are observed in all bulk and size-fractionated optical proxies for particle biomass. We show evidence linking 15 Dec 2020 good estimates of feeding rate can be obtained, pro- vided sampling of gut a direct consequence of the similarity of the curves in. Fig. 7A). 0. 13 Mar 2019 Transient expression of SVA 3Cpro was associated with cleavage of or C to R on SVA 3Cpro were designed and used with the site-direct mutagenesis Lawson S and Diel DG (2019) Senecavirus A 3C Protease Mediates . 17 Aug 2020 methane fluxes | diel variability | automated flux chambers | lake greenhouse gas This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
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