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Đọc thêm. Miles J. Unger, Magnifico: The Brilliant Life and Violent Times of Lorenzo de' Medici (Simon and Schuster 2008) is a vividly colorful new biography of this true "renaissance man", the uncrowned ruler of Florence during its golden age.
storočia videl súperiace pápeži. Počas toho, čo sa nazýva “veľký rozkol západu”, tam bol francúzsky pápež v Avignone a taliansky pápež v Ríme a každý z nich mal odlišné politické spojenca. Hoci nepatrilo medzi populárnu poéziu, niektorí jej autori boli veľmi renomovaní spisovatelia. Stačí spomenúť niektorých ako Lorenzo de Medici, ktorý napísal San Giovanni e Paolo, a Feo Belcari, autor San Panunzio, Abramo ed Isac, a i. Od 15. storočia prenikli do Sacra Reppresentazione niektoré komicko-rúhačské prvky.
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Continental and Italian breakfast options are available every morning at the bed and breakfast. B&B Lorenzo de' Medici provides a laundry service, as well as
Lorenzo de' Medici: Lettere. Giunti-Barbèra, Firenze 1977 ff. (kritische Edition; bis 2011 Bände 1–12, 15 und 16 erschienen) Literatur. Emmy Cremer: Lorenzo de’ Medici.
1466: Lorenzo de'Medici foils plot against his father 1468: Lorenzo de'Medici marries Clarice Orsini 1469: Piero il Gottoso dies; Lorenzo de'Medici takes over Flippo Lippi dies 1470
In 2006, LdM became a branch campus of Marist College, located in … LORENZO DE' MEDICI. Lorenzo de’ Medici – known as the Magnificent – ruled Florence during the second half of the fifteenth century. A politician of exceptional ability, he was also an intellectual and a patron of the arts. De Medici was born in Florence on January 1, 1449, the son of Piero di Cosimo and Lucrezia Tornabuoni.
Vlády sa ujal po smrti otca Pietra (1416 - 1469) spolu s bratom Giulianom (+ 1478). Neúspech sprisahania súperov Mediciovcov z rodu Pazzi významne prispel k upevneniu jeho moci v meste a republikánske zriadenie … Within his great Palazzo Medici, Lorenzo de Medici owned a 23-by-9.5 foot cell that housed an 8-foot long bed. And historians still don’t know why. A 1492 palace inventory simply refers to the room as “the chamber of the mute woman,” which alludes to what professionals might call, “nothing good.” 2/15/2021 Ea avea să devină Caterina de Medici, celebra regină a lui Henric al II-lea al Franței, într-un mariaj aranjat de vărul ei îndepărtat, Papa Clement al VII-lea de Medici, ca o ultimă mutare de succes a acestuia. Cavoul lui Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici din capela Medici a bisericii San Lorenzo, este ornamentat cu lucrările lui Michelangelo "Amurgul și Aurora" și "Gânditorul".
A politician of exceptional ability, he was also an intellectual and a patron of the arts. De Medici was born in Florence on January 1, 1449, the son of Piero di Cosimo and Lucrezia Tornabuoni. The history of the tomb project goes back to Cosimo de Medici, as he was the grandfather of the Medici family. The Medici commissioned several works from Brunelleschi, the famous Florentine architect, for the construction of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, which would be the Medici church, exclusively. Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici was born in Catanzaro, Italy in the region of Calabria on November 17, 1975.
De Medici was born in Florence on January 1, 1449, the son of Piero di Cosimo and Lucrezia Tornabuoni. Si Lorenzo de' Medici (1 Enero 1449 – 9 Abril 1492), na ang buong pangalan ay Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici, ay isang Italyanong politiko at pinunong de facto ng Republikang Florentino noong Italyanong Renasimiyento. Siya ay kilala bilang Lorenzo ang Magnipiko (Lorenzo il Magnifico) ng mga kontemporaryong Florentino.Siya ay isang diplomata, politiko, patron ng mga skolar, magsisining, at … 1/24/2020 Nemôžem napríklad tvrdiť, že Lorenzo de' Medici bol odvážny a chrabrý, ak taký naozaj nebol. Bol prešibaný a nemilosrdný, ale že by bol práve odvážny, to sa nedá povedať.“ Bitka pri San Romane (1432), maľba Paola Ucella v galérii Uffizi vo Florencii. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Savonarolova sláva rástla, že sa aj Lorenzo de Medici prihovoril u predstavených dominikánskej kongregácie, aby do Florencie natrvalo poslali brata Girolamu z Ferrary. V roku 1490 prišiel do Forencie a usadil sa v kláštore San Marco, kde sa po krátkom čase ujal … Lorenzo de' Medici (1 January 1449 – 9 April 1492) was an Italian statesman and de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic during the Italian Renaissance.He was called Lorenzo the Magnificent (Lorenzo il Magnifico) by Florentines.He was a diplomat, politician and patron of scholars, artists, and poets.He is probably best known for what he gave to the world of art.
V roku 1490 prišiel do Forencie a usadil sa v kláštore San Marco, kde sa po krátkom čase ujal vedenia. Kázať začal najprv v záhrade kláštora. Lorenzo de' Medici was born circa 1395, at birth place, to Giovanni, di Bicci de' Medici and Piccarda de' Medici. Lorenzo had 3 brothers: Damiano de'Medici and 2 other siblings . Lorenzo married Ginevra de' Medici in 1416, at age 21. Lorenzo de' Medici Family Home, Firenze.
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Lorenzo, ca și bunicul său Cosimo de Medici, a urmărit o politică de menținere a păcii și a restabilit un echilibru de putere între statele din nordul Italiei, reușind să mențină departe de Republică, celelalte state europene importante, cum ar fi Franța și Sfântul Imperiu Roman.
He succeeded (1469) his father, Piero de' Medici, as head of the Medici family and as virtual ruler of Florence. One of the towering figures of the Italian Renaissance, he was an astute politician, firm in Lorenza de Medici has published more than 30 cookbooks. She has appeared in a 13-part series on Italian cooking for public television and conducts a cooking school at Badia a Coltibuono, an 11th-century estate and winery near the Chianti region of Tuscany.